圓角 . 緣覺








令我着迷嘅就係呢啲戰前戰後五六十年代嘅圓角大樓,注意係圓角唔係直角。擅長前衛曲線造型的Zaha Hadid,當時應該仲噏緊片。






早幾日同個建築師朋友傾開偈,梗係向佢請教吓啦。Cost effective 當年根本唔算係一回咩事。

反而Bauhaus前衛嘅風格,其中有一啲圓角設計,亦有機會影響當時的建築師。還有當時政府嘅建築守則都很鼓勵建築師去多設計一啲騎樓,因為有助空氣流通同埋引入更多光線。後來好多入住嘅人將騎樓封上玻璃窗,以致室內有多一點空間。所以好有可能有部份圓角樓初時外圍都是騎樓。另外原來圓角對流入街內嘅空氣都比較暢順,這是aero dynamics 吧。


圓角 , 緣覺








感觸良多, 亦重燃我這個拖拖拉拉的project







by Franklin Lau

Round . corner . destiny . conscious

“ let's met at the front of the street ! “

Will gather at the “Five Flag poles “ , Why don’t we meet at the cinema entrance , let’s meet at the pier,

let’s meet at the “Big Hotel “( Only HKer knows what’s the meaning )

These are common point of meeting or gathering places for Hong Kong people for ages.

"At the Front of the street” means the intersection of a street where it started.

The intersection can be consist of three or four streets. Where ever two streets are crossing, there will be a corner building .

Besides the aesthetics and the post punk elements, what amazes me are these corner buildings which are built around the WWll 50’s to 60’s , to be more specific the building

with rounded corners rather than those with 90 degrees corners or angled corners.

Rounded corners? Isn’t that a bit futuristic , even then Saha Hadid who is renown for her curving designs was a still a toddler.

So what the hack did they abandon the straight corners and go for the curvy ones?

Economic point of view it actually cost more money , time and work to build, which doesn’t make any sense.

To a person who live and use the space, a rounded corners are a bit difficult to utilize .

Haha , something like the iconic round shaped Century Tower built by Palmer & Turner is another story. It’s a catagorize as a luxury building.

But yes this this is quite exceptional in that mid levels area. Where as majority of the rounded corner building are situated

among grass root areas like wanchai and Sha Kei Wan in Hong Kong Island. And in Kowloon side, Jordan, Yau Ma Tei , Sham Shui Po all the

way up to Cheung Sha Wan.

Why? ain’t buildings from these areas should be build in a more utility concious and cost effective way?

I recently had a conversation with an architect friend of mine and she did have some answers for me.

Cost effective back then is still not a “thing” .

The Bauhaus movement do contribute to the design, some modernist design

do have some similar rounded corners.

At that time the Hong Kong building code do suggested that the use of balcony for the benefit of air circulation and light.

So a lot of resident do enclose the balcony so they can have more indoor space.

What I do think is that the rounded corner are build aero dynamically so the inner streets will get more air circulation.

Another thing I think of is the Fung Shui element. The Fung Shui Master always say it’s bad to have some pointy corner

pointing towards your apartment .

Using today’s standard of judgement, those corner buildings are a benefit to environment and humanity.

Canadians always talks about inclusion.

Amazingly these ethical values had been planted in these concrete forest long long time ago.

More than 10 years ago I fell in love with these Corner Buildings and started shooting them.

Coincidently another photographer also did a similar project and published a book.

I stopped shooting corner buildings since. The photographer passed away couple of years ago.

It’s was four and a half years since I last visited Hong Kong.

With mix emotions and feelings, I picked up where I stopped and start shooting these buildings again.

It’s was a short trip in the hot summer. I managed to shoot more than twenty buildings.

My goal is to have an exhibition in the future.

If you have more information about these buildings please share with me so I can include these valuable informations

in my exhibition.

Let’s hope that these lost stories can be once again archived and live on